Visualizing Your Development with WISE Drum Dashboard

The WISE Drum Dashboard contains a wealth of information that motivates and assists by providing a broader and deeper perspective on efficient drumming skills development.

See the WISE Drum Workout Features page for a quick overview of how our online application delivers the tools for rapidly developing drumming skills with maximum efficiency.

Drum Practice Time Trend

This trend gives an overview of the actual minutes practiced over time. The daily trend shows the actual vs. the target minutes practiced per day. Ideally, you should consistently meet your daily drum practice time target.

Precision Indicators

This section provides a high-level view of assessments against the key performance measures.

Skill and Effort Distribution

Drumming skills include rudiments, independence, fills & solos, dynamics, and rhythms. All practice material is grouped according to these skill categories.

Skill by Performance Measure

This graph gives a more detailed view of performance assessments from a drumming skills perspective.

Limb Time Distribution

This graph shows the amount of time spent practicing each limb. An even time distribution for each limb indicates a balanced development of all limbs, which is preferred.

Skill Time Distribution

This graph shows the amount of time spent practicing each skill category. An even distribution of time for each skill category indicates a balanced development of all skills, which is preferred.

Skill Attainment Progress

Skill attainment is achieved once all the requirements for practice time, tempo, and assessment score are met.

© WiseDrummer 2024