Practicing Drums Efficiently with WISE Drum Workouts

See the WISE Drum Workout Features page for a quick overview of how our online application delivers the tools for rapidly developing drumming skills with maximum efficiency.

Drum Workouts Goal Adjustment

Click on the Practice menu item to start your drumming practice session. Here, you can adjust your goals by selecting your skill level and area of focus for today.

To continue, click the Select button on the preferred drumming workout to practice.

Drumming Practice Routine Selection

Drum workouts consist of practice routines, each containing a set of exercises. The following options are available:

To continue, click the Select button on the preferred drumming practice routine.

Drumming Exercise Selection

The following options are available:

To continue, click the Practice button on the preferred drumming exercise.

Practice Drumming Exercise

The following options are available:

Drumming Practice Tips

Once the metronome stops, an assessment dialog will pop up to log your performance assessment.

© WiseDrummer 2024